How do you say "trẻ trâu" in English (US)?

The literal meaning is “young Buffalo “ but “Trẻ trâu” is slang and would translate lớn “millennial” in English.

“Trẻ” means “the young”, “the children” (as an adjective it means “young”).
“Trâu” means “buffalo”. There is a saying in Viet Nam “Đàn gảy tai trâu” lớn talk about those who are pig-headed and never consider others’ opinions or advices. The word “trâu” in “trẻ trâu” comes from that saying.

“Trẻ trâu” is used lớn describe a person that is superficial, stubborn, likes lớn show off and has uncontrollable actions but always thinks what he/she does is sánh awesome and unique. Sounds lượt thích characters of most teenagers, right? Therefore, the word “thời trẻ em trâu” in Vietnamese means “youth” in English. “Trẻ trâu” can be used as a noun or an adjective.

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For example: A boy and a girl using teen code lớn chat online lượt thích this is considered "trẻ trâu":
Girl: vk ghi nhớ ck (vợ ghi nhớ ck – I miss you)
Boy: ck cx ghi nhớ vk. ju vk (chồng cũng ghi nhớ phu nhân. Yêu phu nhân - I miss you too. Love you)